The third part
is elusive
in the sense
that if you're
a bad reader
you will think
it's about a journalist
who is in Mexico
to write about boxing,
but it's really about
the state of journalism,
how it's too easy
for journalists
to be led astray,
which is to say
cultural observers,
book critics, say,
who can't understand
what's really important,
political commentators,
persons on social media,
too busy chasing their own tails,
like that movie
in that decade
with all the movies about American presidents,
Wag the Dog,
something we have certainly
not learned at all,
not in twenty years,
not in a hundred,
all the while promising ourselves
to never, ever repeat
the mistakes of the past,
even while obsessing
over reporting
the minutiae of the present
as if it matters
as if we have finally found
some perspective.
Anyway, Belano's journalist
is smarter,
which is to say,
Belano is;
that's why Belano
is so important
to our times,
and why he was a prophet,
same as they ever were.