I address him
as he presented himself,
as the savage poet,
the savage detective,
as Robert Belano,
but of course
he went by another name
as he blazed his trails
through literary history,
as he presented himself,
as the savage poet,
the savage detective,
as Robert Belano,
but of course
he went by another name
as he blazed his trails
through literary history,
and I wish I were him,
as deranged as that sounds,
I wish I were him,
however complicated
and cut short
that savage life of his
proved to be,
as deranged as that sounds,
I wish I were him,
however complicated
and cut short
that savage life of his
proved to be,
I wish I were him
if only to know
what it was like
to be him,
to be the savage
to howl at the world
to disrupt the mediocrities
of the world
to thumb my nose
and put out my thumb
to the world around me,
to see the world around me
is something other than prose,
than pictures,
to live a life half as impression
to live a life half as impression
as the trail he blazed
so fearlessly,
at least in the words
he left behind.
he left behind.
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