Why continue to believe
when we live in a world
where science now explains
so much of the world
to us?
Why believe
when we live in a world
where literature explains
how so many beliefs
came from the need
to fill in
what science couldn't?
Why believe
when it seems
as if it can only be
a story,
maybe even
a very good one,
the greatest story ever told,
as has been said,
when so much dispute
in two thousand years
has bee introduced
into how that story
came into being?
Even Paul,
our missionary,
came late to the table
and never met Christ,
and the Jews
are still the Jews,
and they refuse
to this day,
to reach the same conclusions,
and the record,
they say,
even outside Christian texts,
was tampered with,
is unreliable,
and so much
is so easy to ridicule,
and we have our reason
and we are ever on a quest
to better ourselves,
and this means
old things
must be cast away,
a beach ball in an ocean
who failed a friend
just by floating away...
Too many parallels,
too many coincidences,
it's all just made up, right?
Even putting aside the martyrs,
because there will always be zealots
willing to do anything,
the Christians never went away,
and all they wanted
was to see the world around them
get better.
They were inspired
by a man,
by men and women
who believed in him,
and sold his story
based on incredible things,
and all that snowballed
for centuries
and there were disagreements
and the world as we know it
came into being,
and while we argue now
it was all a mistake
we wouldn't be here
if it hadn't been made,
the whole world would be different,
and the people who say this is a mistake
would be calling the world they would have
a mistake, too,
because that world would be Roman,
or some other empire,
and what will have been lost
is a world
where it's possible
to believe
in the best of all possible worlds
(with apologies to Candide, who didn't believe),
an argument made by people
who followed a man
who preached a message
about a kingdom
that is not of this world
but through which
we might see it
every day,
in all of us,
if we look,
if we don't spend all our time
looking at the worst
but rather at the best,
even if it's just potential,
and it's always potential,
it will always be potential,
and it's not about what happens next,
something you win
as if it's a game
something you can fake
and cheat at,
feel good about,
because it's not about feeling good
because sometimes it really does hurt
to do the right thing,
and this is something
too too few of us
want to understand,
let alone are capable of,
and yet the story goes
that's how it began,
for God so loved the world...