Saturday, January 13, 2024

Origins, 1

I grew up Catholic,
in a Catholic family,
in a family that was Catholic
for many generations previous,
back to Canada,
back to France,
and someone in history
could trace it back further,
I don't know,
but suffice to say,
I was born into the faith.

My family was the kind
to attend not just weekly mass,
the obligatory weekend mass,
but daily mass,
and we were heavily involved
in all aspects of church life,
whether stuffing new missals & hymnals
into the plastic covers,
the several roles of readers,
altar servers...

We made friends with all the parish priests,
and that's all there ever was to know,
even that one that left the priesthood,
who played a game of Risk 
at our home,
and I guess a different kind
with his calling.

I don't mean "friends" 
in the sense we were friendly with them,
but that they were family friends,
one of whom became very involved
with the family,
who went out of his way
to help financially
when times were tough
(although there was talk
he had done this sort of thing before).

We practically made a second home
at church.

That's what I mean
by growing up
in the church.

Almost literally.

My two brothers
eventually left,
joining other denominations;
my sisters and I stayed.

I never considered leaving;
it just never made sense,
the way I understood my faith,
which is also not to say I did so
just not in the ways
so many other have
for two thousand years.

There's just so much
to unpack
with all that history,
it seems premature
to think I might have thought
of some reason to question it
that hasn't already
come up.

And so anytime I'm in a church,
it's like I'm at home.

It's kind of 
as simple
as that.

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